ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2008 / Use of Social Networking Sites

The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2008 (ID: ERS0808)

Gail Salaway (EDUCAUSE) and Judith Borreson Caruso (University of Wisconsin-Madison) /With: Mark R. Nelson (NACS)

Introduction by: Nicole Ellison (Michigan State University)

CMS, Net Generation Learner, Social Computing, social networks, Student IT Competencies, Students

Documents Contributed by ECAR, Research Studies (10/21/2008)

Abstract: This 2008 ECAR research study is a longitudinal extension of the 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 ECAR studies of students and information technology. The study is based on quantitative data from a spring 2008 survey of 27,317 freshmen and seniors at 90 four-year institutions and eight two-year institutions; student focus groups that included input from 75 students at four institutions; and analysis of qualitative data from 5,877 written responses to open-ended questions. In addition to studying student ownership, experience, behaviors, preferences, and skills with respect to information technologies, the 2008 study also includes

A Special Focus on Student Participation in Social Networking Sites [CHAPTER 6]

Citation for this work: Salaway, Gail and Caruso, Judith B., with Mark R. Nelson. The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2008 (Research Study, Vol. 8). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2008)

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 / Executive Summary
Chapter 2 / Introduction: Reshaping Campus Communication and Community through Social Network Sites
Chapter 3 / Methodology and Respondent Characteristics
Chapter 4 / Ownership of, Use of, and Skill with IT
Chapter 5 / IT and the Academic Experience
Appendix A / Acknowledgments
Appendix B / Students and Information Technology in Higher Education: 2008 Survey Questionnaire
Appendix C /Qualitative Interview Questions
Appendix D / Participating Institutions and Survey Response Rates
Appendix E / Bibliography

Key Findings
Survey Instrument
HTML/PDF [http://www.educause.edu/ers0808/135156]
PDF [http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERS0808/RS/ERS0808w.pdf]


Ruby英文溜 栽在小學堂 不服氣連查兩字典 抗議自己沒錯

pave·ment /ˈpeɪvmənt/ n
[C] BrE
a hard level surface or path at the side of a road for people to walk on
American Equivalent: sidewalk
 A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house.
 a pavement café
[U] AmE
the hard surface of a road
 As she fell off the bike, her head hit the pavement.

pave·ment n.
Pronunciation: 'pāv-mənt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin pavimentum, from pavire
Date: 13th century

1 : a paved surface: as a : the artificially covered surface of a public thoroughfare b chiefly British : SIDEWALK
2 : the material with which something is paved
3 : something that suggests a pavement (as in flatness, hardness, and extent of surface)

[C] (BrE) (AmE sidewalk) a flat part at the side of a road for people to walk on: a pavement cafe ◆ Don't ride your bike on the pavement!
[C, U] (BrE) any area of flat stones on the ground: a mosaic pavement
[U] (AmE) the surface of a road: Two cars skidded on the icy pavement.

pavement /ˈpeɪv.mənt/
noun [C]
1 UK (US sidewalk) a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road, that people walk on:
Keep to the pavement, Rosie, there's a good girl.

2 US the surface of a road when it has been covered with concrete or tarmac











這是預備刊在American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry的研究報告,圖全部盜自(我發現不是我新注音的問題,是我注音太差的問題= =盜至跟盜自原來是不同音阿!!)Internet use 'good for the brain'


1.UCLA study finds that searching the Internet increases brain function
2.Internet search results: Increased brain activity


"In 1984, photographer Peter Feldstein set out to photograph every single resident of his town, Oxford, Iowa (pop. 676). He converted an abandoned storefront on Main Street into a makeshift studio and posted fliers inviting people to stop by. At first they trickled in slowly, but in the end, nearly all of Oxford stood before Feldstein’s lens.

Twenty years later, Feldstein decided to do it again. He invited writer Stephen G. Bloom to join him, and together they went in search of the Oxford residents Feldstein originally shot in 1984. Some had moved. Most had stayed. Others had passed away. All were marked by the passage of time.

This time, they didn’t just pose, they talked—about their lives over the past two decades—about children lost and loves finally found; about living with illness and the wounds of war; about small town values and the promise of an afterlife; about making ends meet and wishing for more; about dreams unfulfilled and simple daily pleasures....... " 全部盜至 The Oxford Project



GoAnimate是一個自己動手做卡通的網站,首頁上有watch our demo介紹網站如何使用以及卡通如何製作,它的功能包含基本的人物角色選擇,可以放大縮小或賦予行動,可以使用網站提供的背景音樂,也可以自行錄製聲音與對話(我覺得這很棒!!),場景中的物件是可以複製的等等。還有一個最棒的功能是,你製作完卡通還可以送我喔:P


2008/10/20 Time的封面~太有趣了


來搭個種族熱的順風車看個Interracial Marriage的電影—猜猜,誰來晚餐Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)。我上禮拜在選修課美國1960's的課堂上看了這部片子,才知道以前常聽到的"猜猜,誰來晚餐"背後的意義= =,我真是遜咖。


有去過舊金山的朋友也留意一下裡面有個外景,現在還在喔^_^~至於對美國歷史有概念的朋友,應該可以從1967這個時間點,還有女管家開玩笑的一句話,找到這部片的重要性:P。下面是Part 1/10,總共有10個短片在youtube上

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) - Part 1/10

Re:資訊魚--破窗理論 & 破窗謬論

破窗理論 & 破窗謬論


'Freakonomics' Abortion Research Is Faulted by a Pair of Economists

再來看看Tipping Point的作者對Freakonomics的第一次辯駁
Thoughts on Freakonomics

Malcolm Gladwell on the Freakonomics Paradox

Tipping Point的作者針對上面這篇再辯駁
Levitt and Dubner respond


在Tipping Point的作者對Freakonomics的第一次辯駁中,我發現作者跟我對經濟學家的思維同樣感到困惑—"假設"怎麼來~其中有一段
話是這樣「Why is this? I can think of some hypotheses. But they are just that: hypotheses. 」,文末提了另一個Bernard

Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York City and a Five-City Social Experiment

突然想到之前上課聽過NPR裡有Bernard Harcourt的訪談
Problems with 'Broken Windows Policing'

其實可以自己角色模擬玩玩,當你是選擇站Freakonomics時,你會怎麼回擊來自Tipping Point的攻擊?如果你選擇站Tipping Point時,你又會怎麼幫Freakonomics辯駁?

這我叫 「淬鍊心智」~爽


EU's Web3.0

Commission consults on how to put Europe into the lead of the transition to Web 3.0

29 September 2008

"Web 3.0 means seamless 'anytime, anywhere' business, entertainment and social networking over fast reliable and secure networks. It means the end of the divide between mobile and fixed lines. It signals a tenfold quantum leap in the scale of the digital universe by 2015. Europe has the know-how and the network capacity to lead this transformation. We must make sure that Web 3.0 is made and used in Europe."


下載PDF或Word 檔還有一些文中提到的統計資料,赫然發現荷蘭學者Van Dijk的名字,難道他也開始包EU的工程了= =q剛看了一下他最近的著作,果然......Dijk, Jan van (in press) One Europe, Digitally Divided. In: A. Chadwick & Ph. Howard (Eds). Handbook of Internet Politics, London: Routledge.不過這篇paper跟他以前的架構內容差不多,只是多了談一些EU的資料、現況與政策考量。






Tastes, Ties, and Time: Facebook data release

Facebook在美國很紅很紅,可是在台灣就還好,台灣Web2.0的應用真的很落後,據在大陸工作的數位之牆牆主黃彥達最近這一系列的文章,大陸至少超前我們1年以上= =",聽起來很不是滋味,不過"市場"可以決定競爭,競爭大多數可以讓品質更好。有時候讀讀這些商業性的網路文章、雜誌或新聞,會讓我比較貼近網路真實、網路中的"市場",尤其從生產者進入或消費者習性分析性的文章,更能銜接我與網路社會生態的脫落,而能稍微脫離學究式的社會想像,進而思考政策、市場、創意之間的關聯。

這是Harvard做的案子,裡面有社會網絡資料喔,詳見part3 relational data in codebook p.22。

Tastes, Ties, and Time: Facebook data release
September 25, 2008
In collaboration with Harvard sociology graduate students Kevin Lewis and Marco Gonzalez, and with UCLA professor Andreas Wimmer and Harvard professor Nicholas Christakis, Berkman Fellow Jason Kaufman has made available a first wave of Facebook.com data through the Dataverse Network Project.

The dataset comprises machine-readable files of virtually all the information posted on approximately 1,700 FB profiles by an entire cohort of students at an anonymous, northeastern American university. Profiles were sampled at one-year intervals, beginning in 2006. This first wave covers first-year profiles, and three additional waves of data will be added over time, one for each year of the cohort's college career.

Though friendships outside the cohort are not part of the data, this snapshot of an entire class over its four years in college, including supplementary information about where students lived on campus, makes it possible to pose diverse questions about the relationships between social networks, online and offline.

Special thanks are due to Kevin Lewis, and to Marco Gonzalez, for their heavy lifting on the project.

Researchers may access the data at http://dvn.iq.harvard.edu/dvn/dv/t3.





結果第一次沒過,出乎意料,讓我多認識了原來美國雖然是共和黨執政,但是他們的議員卻不一定會支持總統的法案,雖然後來證明這群人只是在演戲,因為我也不相信有多少共和黨員真的是Hayek的信徒,Public choice這時候進來還比較適當,所以我覺得這只是單純為了拉明年中下階層的選票所做的政治運作。

今天John McCain投了反對票,真的很有趣,也在做政治計算吧,真好奇他心裡不曉得盤算的是什麼?不過Barack Obama的演講技巧真的比這位白頭髮的老先生好很多,一個看起來像工人代表侃侃而談、時而慷慨激昂,一個看起來滿臉福像身體微胖,講話溫溫的慢慢的,極像貴族代表,不過選誰真的會差很多嗎?我其實不信,不過我相信制度。

上面那張照片是在Wall Street拍的,那棟建築物就是傳說中的紐約證券交易中心,右邊這個黑影仁兄,當年砍了櫻桃樹沒被扁實在真奇怪,而且你吃飽閒閒幹嘛砍櫻桃樹?現在請你張大眼睛看看你的國家怎麼走出經濟黑暗期吧!!剛在Wikipedia發現我對照片的詮釋跟他的詮釋一樣~真開心~不過我拍得比較好,我的證券交易所有光影、有陰影,而且我把拍攝重心故意放在這面國旗,讓這位仁兄像是沒拍好不小心入鏡的樣子,我喜歡這種感覺,你正在默默看著你的國家,我也正在默默看著你^^"



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