





 由本校經濟系黃貞穎副教授所組的跨校研究團隊(共同作者依序為陽明大學神經科學研究所郭文瑞老師、美國Rutgers大學經濟系Tomas Sjostrom老師、本校經濟系碩士班學生陳瑀屏、本校電機系大學部畢業生王彥襄),運用功能性磁振造影(functional magnetic resonance imaging),研究受試者在二種不同賽局(game)的反應,研究結果發現,推理與直覺過程運用了截然不同的大腦皮質活化區,及不同的活化程度。此項結合經濟領域和神經科學領域的研究成果,首度登上國際頂尖期刊-「科學」雜誌(Science)。


 賽局理論(Game Theory)已對於策略性互動中推理性思考有相當多的著墨。例如在著名的囚犯兩難賽局中,兩個囚犯依各自的理性推論都會作出招供的決策。這類運用凡人對理性的依歸,逐步演繹出雙方行動的賽局,是典型的推理型思考,亦稱之為「優勢可解賽局」(dominance-solvable games)。

 然而,2005年諾貝爾得主Thomas Schelling指出,在某些策略互動中,雙方必須在缺乏溝通的前提下做出相同的選擇。而在此種賽局中,推理對於決策並無益助,而是得依直覺找出雙方關注的「焦點」(focal point),才有可能成功地做出相同的選擇。這類必須仰賴直覺的賽局,就被稱為「協調賽局」(coordination games)。

 黃副教授的團隊研究即是以兩種典型的賽局設計實驗,輔以功能型磁振造影技術,測量當受試者對於dominance-solvable games及coordination games做出判斷時,分析受試者大腦皮質的活化與反應,研究在策略性互動中推理型思考與直覺型思考背後所隱含的神經心理學機轉。功能型磁振造影為非侵入式高解析度的影像技術,為目前研究大腦認知科學相當重要的工具,其影像除提供大腦軟組織結構上對比,更含有功能性的認知活化資訊。

 團隊所設計的實驗,成功找出兩種賽局背後隱含的神經心理歷程,研究結果指出,相對於直覺型思考,在推理型思考中,人類大腦皮質的前額葉及顱葉frontoparietal areas)活化程度較高,此大腦區域與人類的推理思考能力以及智商有相當的關聯。相對於推理型思考,直覺型思考使得人類大腦中的腦島(insula)及前扣帶皮質區(anterior cingulate cortex)相對地活躍。在最近的研究中指出,腦島及前扣帶皮質區與人類考慮諸多社會性的行為相關,如合作、信任、同理心,甚至是愛情。這類社會性的行為多半伴隨著複雜而交織的因素,因此需要迅速地找出一個顯著而適當的方式加以反應。這與在coordination games中,受試者必須快速地運用直覺找出焦點所在,有相當程度的相似。

 在先前的研究中,由於coordination games難以運用數學量化方法驗證,所以相關研究為數不多。而團隊研究結果再次說明Thomas Schelling曾經指出主流研究上的不足—意即縱使直覺型思考過程難以理論化,然而卻是人類獨特的社會行為中相當重要且獨特的思考模式,瞭解直覺型思考的神經心理學機轉,有助於我們明白社會性行為。


Playing More Games
The neural mechanisms underlying strategic decision-making and social preferences can be teased apart by experimental "games." In one class of two-player games known as dominance solvable, a unique strategy emerges that is the optimal one to adopt because it cannot be overcome by what the other player does. In a second class of games, there is no unique solution, and the optimal strategy requires the players to coordinate, which, in the absence of explicit communication, arises from a "meeting of minds." Kuo et al. (p. 519) have conducted a neuroimaging study of subjects playing these two kinds of games and found that brain regions previously associated with deliberate and effortful reasoning are activated during dominance-solvable games, whereas other brain regions linked to social processing take the lead during coordination game playing.

Intuition and Deliberation: Two Systems for Strategizing in the Brain
Science 24 April 2009:
Vol. 324. no. 5926, pp. 519 - 522
DOI: 10.1126/science.1165598
Dual-process theories distinguish between intuition (fast and emotional) and reasoning (slow and controlled) as a basis for human decision-making. We contrast dominance-solvable games, which can be solved by step-by-step deliberative reasoning, with pure coordination games, which must be solved intuitively. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that the middle frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, and the precuneus were more active in dominance-solvable games than in coordination games. The insula and anterior cingulate cortex showed the opposite pattern. Moreover, precuneus activity correlates positively with how "effortful" a dominance-solvable game is, whereas insula activity correlates positively with how "effortless" a coordination game is.




Nicholas Negroponte: From 1984, 4 predictions about the future (3 of them correct)



One Laptop Per Child

Google Tech Talks April 12, 2007 ABSTRACT The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world is able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can openly learn and learn about learning. The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing and distributing XO laptops to children in lesser developed countries, initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of their children own and can effectively use a laptop. Initially the OLPC Foundation is focusing on the grassroots, "bottoms up" aspects of the OLPC mission. It provides grants and loans for the development and use of open educational resources and grassroots learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO in lesser developed communities around the world for children, their families and communities.


Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child, Dec. 2007

Nicholas Negroponte: Bringing One Laptop per Child to Colombia, Dec. 2008



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SPSS Rebrands Analytics Portfolio as PASW April 7 2009

MR software giant SPSS has created a new and distinct brand for its predictive analytics products, PASW (Predictive Analytics Software).

The entire SPSS software portfolio will carry the PASW naming standard, beginning with the releases of PASW Modeler 13 (formerly Clementine) and PASW Text Analytics 13 (formerly Text Mining for Clementine) which have been upgraded to extend and automate data mining and text analytics for the business user.

Over the next year, new naming will be introduced at each release of the other SPSS products, including: PASW Statistics (formerly SPSS Statistics), PASW Data Collection (formerly Dimensions) and PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services (formerly Predictive Enterprise Services). The firm says this new branding unifies the product families under a consistent and descriptive name.

Chairman, President and CEO Jack Noonan explained: ‘With important and valued feedback from customers, we have created a new product portfolio name that builds on our 40 year legacy of innovation, enhanced performance, and robust deployment capabilities in predictive analytics.’

The updated PASW Modeler has new and enhanced functionality that simplifies data mining and delivers predictive analytics options directly to business users, promising both business users and analysts the ability to quickly and easily leverage all data assets to produce, evaluate and deploy analytical models to solve real business problems.

The new version of PASW Text Analytics 13 includes pre-built categories for satisfaction surveys, advanced natural language processing techniques, and more comprehensive language support.

Founded in 1968, SPSS is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and is online at www.spss.com .


